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A Hub of Community Based Activity! 


Passive and Active Recreation, Native Plant

Propagation and Sales, 


Environmental Education.


Dam Kumbartcho
Natives at Kumbartcho
Conference in the Bush


​ Sanctuary Grounds

  Open to the Public 7 am to 7 pm - every day of the year


​Community Nursery

Open Tuesday to Friday between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday between 8:00 am and 12 Noon 


Environment Centre

(Subject to Volunteer availability)

   Open Tuesday to Friday between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm


Kumbartcho is a Flora and Fauna Sanctuary incorporating walking tracks, a public park, BBQ and playground, all of which are open between 7am and 7pm to the public free of charge. 

(Sorry, no Cats, Dogs, Horses, Bikes, Scooters or Skateboards allowed)


On site, there is a Native Plant Nursery where the majority of the plants can be purchased for as little as $2.25 ea.


There is also an Environmental Education and Activity Centre with:

  • Videos (including Steve and Terri Irwin catching all the animals from Bunya Wildlife Park to help establish Australia Zoo);

  • Displays and ;

  • Arts and Crafts for the littlies (and the littlies at heart).


Kumbartcho is operated by Volunteers in partnership with Moreton Bay Regional Council and is located at Eatons Hill,  just on Brisbane's Northern border.


Kumbartcho comes from the Gubbi Gubbi Aboriginal clan's name for the Hoop Pine.


The Gubbi Gubbi were part of the Turbal Tribe that were the traditional owners of the land between the North Pine and Logan Rivers.


The Hoop Pine was the reason the Early Settlers came to the area in the days of Ships powered by Sails.


It was an ideal tree for ships masts, having no discernable growth rings and being of a cylinderical tapering growth habit with branches that were not deep set in to the trunk, all of which allowed the Masts to flex in high winds without breaking.


It was the clearing of the Hoop Pine Forest that opened the land for Farming which lead to the area becoming developed to the point it is today.


Fairy Garden

Have you seen our secret Fairy Garden yet?

Go through the Magic Door to have a look

and see if you can find it next time you visit.

Secret Fairy Village.png

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© 2023 by Kumbartcho Sanctuary & Nursery.

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